Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Group Sequential Designs: A Tutorial

sequential design

In Morse’s notation system, the core component is written in capitals and the supplemental component is written in lowercase letters. For example, in a QUAL → quan design, more weight is attached to the data coming from the core qualitative component. Due to the decisive character of the core component, the core component must be able to stand on its own, and should be implemented rigorously. The key point of this section is for the researcher to begin a study with at least one research question and then carefully consider what the purposes for mixing are. One can use mixed methods to examine different aspects of a single research question, or one can use separate but related qualitative and quantitative research questions.

Sequential Designs for Clinical Trials

sequential design

The impact provided by the methodological tool presented in this paper is therefore established to be novel and offers a distinct advantage in the body of knowledge. The dependence among components, which may or may not be present, has been summarized by Greene (2007). It is seen in the distinction between component designs (“Komponenten-Designs”), in which the components are independent of each other, and integrated designs (“integrierte Designs”), in which the components are interdependent. Of these two design categories, integrated designs are the more complex designs. We recommend adding to Teddlie and Tashakkori’s typology a sixth design type, specifically, a “hybrid” design type to include complex combinations of two or more of the other design types. A fruitful starting point in trying to resolve divergence through abduction is to determine which component has resulted in a finding that is somehow expected, logical, and/or in line with existing research.

4. PHASE 4: Predictive Modeling

Most of their designs presuppose a specific juxtaposition of the qualitative and quantitative component. Note that the last design is a complex type that is required in many mixed methods studies. This design considers the qualitative (dominant) and quantitative (complementary) components. This design’s nature lies in a prior exploration of the social phenomenon through the techniques and strategies of the dominant method, thereby determining the critical categories to delimit the object of study and proceed with a quantitative deployment.


We also recommend that researchers understand the process approach to design from Maxwell and Loomis (2003), and realize that research design is a process and it needs, oftentimes, to be flexible and interactive. First, we showed that there are there are many purposes for which qualitative and quantitative methods, methodologies, and paradigms can be mixed. Inclusion of a purpose in the design name can sometimes provide readers with useful information about the study design, as in, e. Each true mixed methods study has at least one “point of integration” – called the “point of interface” by Morse and Niehaus (2009) and Guest (2013) –, at which the qualitative and quantitative components are brought together.

8. Reliability of the Collected QUAL Data

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Sequential remakes the legendary Prophet-5 synthesizer · News RA.

Posted: Sun, 04 Oct 2020 07:00:00 GMT [source]

There is no programming shown, but by accessing the sourcefor the article all required programming can be accessed; substantialcommenting is provided in the source in the hope that users canunderstand how to implement the concepts developed here. Hopefully, thefew mathematical and statistical concepts introduced will not discouragethose wishing to understand some underlying concepts for groupsequential design. The sophistication of the coding procedure affects the likelihood of mistakes in the data-coding stage [56]. Although Adu [49] has suggested that a single method for intercoder reliability would suffice, in this paper, several methods were used, following the suggestions from Freelon [51] for providing a strong estimate of reliability.

The main highlights of this tool are that it is effectively managed to handle non-parametric, QUAN/QUAL data by offering a robust coding approach, data validation, model fit and reliability approaches that can be applied consistently in similar QUAN/QUAL data. Bajpai [9] posits that a comprehensive review consists of primary and secondary data. The secondary data collected is an input for the survey method for the primary data collection. It is important to mention that while primary data is typically gathered on a case-by-case basis, it generally is closely tied to the research aims and questions [9]. According to Cooper and Schindler [2], there are various methods for collecting primary data, but surveys are the most robust method for quantitative data collection.

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The Sequential Art, Comics & Cartoons of Famous Artists.

Posted: Tue, 06 Jun 2017 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Explanatory sequential research designs, own elaboration (2021) based on Ivankova and Wingo [37]. Explanatory sequential research designs, own elaboration (2021) based on Gonzalez-Diaz, et al. [33]. In this way, mixed studies use different sources of information, which are combined according to the researcher’s objectives to achieve a more comprehensive basis for analysis, using analytical logic as a substantial basis for the procedure. There are some distinct advantages to each type of research, some of which we have already discussed.

3. Population and Sampling of the QUAN Study

Note that each research tradition receives an equal number of letters (four) in its abbreviation for equity. A statistical model for combining p values from multiple tests of significance is used to define rejection and acceptance regions for two-stage and three-stage sampling plans. Type I error rates, power, frequencies of early termination decisions, and expected sample sizes are compared. Both the two-stage and three-stage procedures provide appropriate protection against Type I errors. The two-stage sampling plan with its single interim analysis entails minimal loss in power and provides substantial reduction in expected sample size as compared with a conventional single end-of-study test of significance for which power is in the adequate range.

This is done based on the efficient score test statistics over time whose joint distribution is known to have an independent increment structure, allowing for easy numerical computation necessary for design and analysis. We start by reviewing the usual fixed design based on normal data and generalizing to nonnormal data based on the efficient score test. We then review classical group sequential designs for normal data and the estimation of the maximum sample size and discuss information-based group sequential designs, including estimation of the maximum information based on an inflation factor. Following information-based group sequential designs, we review information-based group sequential analysis and the type I error spending function approach to interim analysis. This approach accommodates the practical aspects of interim analyses, including unequal increments in statistical information between successive analyses and an unpredictable number of repeated significant tests.

There are a handful of ways to conduct research on adults and older people, which will provide you with exceptional information about the process of aging and maturation. For example, imagine that the researcher that is studying the effects of the previously mentioned memory drug wants to know whether or not it has different effects for men and women. The researcher would first administer the drug to one group of men and one group of women. Then, the researcher would follow-up on both groups at a later time to examine whether or not the drug had any effects on either group. The sequential design uses the present inputs and past outputs to generate an output. Bivariate normal density of two-stage O’Brien-Fleming design with first stage after 50% (left), 70% (middle) and 90% (right) of all samples.

sequential design

For example, imagine that a researcher wants to see if an experimental drug can improve students' memory. The researcher gives one group the drug and doesn't give another group any kind of special treatment. After giving both groups a memory test, the researcher can determine if the pill had an effect on students' memory.

Furthermore, using a 5-point Likert scale for measurements ensured that the extremities of the data were catered for, whilst a middle ground was also provided for respondents that had a somewhat equal distribution between the extremities in certain questions. Furthermore, these guidelines included the setting, which in the case of this paper was the respondent’s office—or online in case of constraints for a physical meeting. The respondents were also provided with a short description of the research, and the purpose of the interview was explained clearly.

This method is a proposal that has to be validated through application in different fields of social and humanistic sciences. However, predictive analytics shows high accuracy in forecasting eventualities, with fuzzy logic being the most efficient method in data learning. On the other hand, doctoral theses are being advanced with DISPRE for case studies in education sciences, administration and some applications in clinical trials and experimental studies in health sciences. Algorithms for analysing multi-criteria decision making and social choice in situations plagued by inaccuracies are evidenced in the scientific literature, paying close conceptual attention to fuzzy preference relationships and formulating data aggregation tools based on fuzzy social choices. For this, we used the framework proposed by Arfi [31] that works exclusively with linguistic fuzzy-logical methods in the social sciences and the framework proposed by Hernández-Julio et al. [32].

In this study, validity was approached by adopting the analysis of variance, where at least 90% has been set as the cut-off point for valid responses in both the interview and the survey data collection phases. Similar to grounded theory, the thoroughness of the procedure adopted determines the validity of the findings [7,45,46,47]. True perception is seldom universal but rather illative, interpretative, and speculative. Crotty [12] describes epistemology as a conceptual viewpoint followed by a logical position that informs methodology and thus brings purpose to a technique that specifies the study’s logic and variables selection. The respondent (knower) and the individual cognitive bias (the known) in the H&S leadership commitment, in the context defined by the worldview, are the criteria in this case. As Morris [21] suggests, this “known” knowledge acts as a precursor to the efficacy of the interpretative paradigm, which is based on the notion that all knowledge is contextual.

For the development of the predictive model through the sequential research design, it is necessary to understand that social reality is highly complex and presents numerous edges that give it an amorphous configuration, resulting in an actual psycho-biosocial framework in its nature. Each entity’s internal and external factors intervene in a multiplicity of factors that go beyond a technical, scientific or hermeneutic proposition [52]. Once the critical dimensions have been determined through the inter-paradigmatic connection analysis, they are operationalised, using the conceptual, theoretical structures specific to each dimension and configuring the indicators required to respond to them. Likewise, the aspects of validation and reliability must be considered to generalise the results through descriptive statistics.

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